Examples for VALue Java Objects Generator (VALJOGen)


Source example: Hello.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.*;

* Simplest possible example that generates a default value object containing a hello message.
* NOTE: Comments are entirely optional but used for the websites documentation backend.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 1")
public interface Hello
        public String getHelloMessage();

Generated output: Hello.java => HelloImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.Hello")
public final class HelloImpl implements Hello
  private final String helloMessage;

  public static HelloImpl valueOf(final String helloMessage)
    HelloImpl _instance = new HelloImpl(helloMessage);
    return _instance;

  private HelloImpl(final String helloMessage)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getHelloMessage()
   return helloMessage;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    int _result = Objects.hash(helloMessage);
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    HelloImpl _other = (HelloImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(helloMessage, _other.helloMessage));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("HelloImpl [");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: SimpleInterfaceWithNamedOutput.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows how to control the name of the generated implementation class.
@VALJOGenerate(name="SimpleInterfaceImpl", comment="Example 2")
public interface SimpleInterfaceWithNamedOutput
    public Object getObject();
    public String getString();

Generated output: SimpleInterfaceWithNamedOutput.java => SimpleInterfaceImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.SimpleInterfaceWithNamedOutput")
public final class SimpleInterfaceImpl implements SimpleInterfaceWithNamedOutput
  private final Object object;
  private final String string;

  public static SimpleInterfaceImpl valueOf(final Object object, final String string)
    SimpleInterfaceImpl _instance = new SimpleInterfaceImpl(object, string);
    return _instance;

  private SimpleInterfaceImpl(final Object object, final String string)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public Object getObject()
   return object;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getString()
   return string;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    int _result = Objects.hash(object, string);
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    SimpleInterfaceImpl _other = (SimpleInterfaceImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(object, _other.object) && Objects.equals(string, _other.string));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("SimpleInterfaceImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: MutablePair.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.*;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.types.Mutability;

* Example that shows how to generate a simple mutable pair class.
* Note the tiny difference compared to the immutable pair class example.
* @param <TLeft> First object type in pair.
* @param <TRight> Second object type in pair.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 3")
public interface MutablePair<TLeft, TRight>
        public TLeft getLeft();
        public void setLeft(TLeft left);

        public TRight getRight();
        public void setRight(TRight right);

Generated output: MutablePair.java => MutablePairImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.MutablePair<TLeft,TRight>")
public final class MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> implements MutablePair<TLeft,TRight>
  private TLeft left;
  private TRight right;

  public static <TLeft,TRight> MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> valueOf(final TLeft left, final TRight right)
    MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> _instance = new MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight>(left, right);
    return _instance;

  public static <TLeft,TRight> MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> valueOf()
    MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> _instance = new MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight>();
    return _instance;

  private MutablePairImpl(final TLeft left, final TRight right)

  private MutablePairImpl()

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public TLeft getLeft()
   return left;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public void setLeft(final TLeft left)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public TRight getRight()
   return right;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public void setRight(final TRight right)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    int _result = Objects.hash(left, right);
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> _other = (MutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight>) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(left, _other.left) && Objects.equals(right, _other.right));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("MutablePairImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: ImmutablePair.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.*;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.types.Mutability;

* Example that shows how to generate a simple immutable pair class.
* Note the tiny difference compared to the mutable pair class example.
* @param <TLeft> First object type in pair.
* @param <TRight> Second object type in pair.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 4")
public interface ImmutablePair<TLeft, TRight>
        public TLeft getLeft();
        public ImmutablePair<TLeft, TRight> setLeft(TLeft left);

        public TRight getRight();
        public ImmutablePair<TLeft, TRight> setRight(TRight right);

Generated output: ImmutablePair.java => ImmutablePairImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.ImmutablePair<TLeft,TRight>")
public final class ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> implements ImmutablePair<TLeft,TRight>
  private final TLeft left;
  private final TRight right;

  public static <TLeft,TRight> ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> valueOf(final TLeft left, final TRight right)
    ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> _instance = new ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight>(left, right);
    return _instance;

  private ImmutablePairImpl(final TLeft left, final TRight right)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public TLeft getLeft()
   return left;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> setLeft(final TLeft left)
   return new ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight>(left, this.right);

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public TRight getRight()
   return right;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> setRight(final TRight right)
   return new ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight>(this.left, right);

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    int _result = Objects.hash(left, right);
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight> _other = (ImmutablePairImpl<TLeft,TRight>) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(left, _other.left) && Objects.equals(right, _other.right));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("ImmutablePairImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: SerializablePosition.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows how to specify serialization ID for serialiable classes.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 5")
public interface SerializablePosition extends java.io.Serializable
        public int getX();
        public int getY();

Generated output: SerializablePosition.java => SerializablePositionImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.SerializablePosition")
public final class SerializablePositionImpl implements SerializablePosition
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 42;

  private final int x;
  private final int y;

  public static SerializablePositionImpl valueOf(final int x, final int y)
    SerializablePositionImpl _instance = new SerializablePositionImpl(x, y);
    return _instance;

  private SerializablePositionImpl(final int x, final int y)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int getX()
   return x;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int getY()
   return y;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    final int _prime = 31;
    int _result = 1;
    _result = _prime * _result + Integer.hashCode(x); 
    _result = _prime * _result + Integer.hashCode(y); 
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    SerializablePositionImpl _other = (SerializablePositionImpl) arg0;

    return ((x == _other.x) && (y == _other.y));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("SerializablePositionImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: ExternalizablePosition.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows how to get an auto-implementation of externalizable.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 6")
public interface ExternalizablePosition extends java.io.Externalizable
        public int getX();
        public int getY();

Generated output: ExternalizablePosition.java => ExternalizablePositionImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.ExternalizablePosition")
public final class ExternalizablePositionImpl implements ExternalizablePosition
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 42;

  private int x;
  private int y;

  public static ExternalizablePositionImpl valueOf(final int x, final int y)
    ExternalizablePositionImpl _instance = new ExternalizablePositionImpl(x, y);
    return _instance;

  public static ExternalizablePositionImpl valueOf()
    ExternalizablePositionImpl _instance = new ExternalizablePositionImpl();
    return _instance;

  private ExternalizablePositionImpl(final int x, final int y)

  public ExternalizablePositionImpl()

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int getX()
   return x;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int getY()
   return y;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public void writeExternal(final java.io.ObjectOutput arg0) throws java.io.IOException

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public void readExternal(final java.io.ObjectInput arg0) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    final int _prime = 31;
    int _result = 1;
    _result = _prime * _result + Integer.hashCode(x); 
    _result = _prime * _result + Integer.hashCode(y); 
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    ExternalizablePositionImpl _other = (ExternalizablePositionImpl) arg0;

    return ((x == _other.x) && (y == _other.y));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("ExternalizablePositionImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: ExtendingByInheritance.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows how use standard subclassing for customization. Generated output will inheriting from the specified base
* class (see "BaseClass.java"). In addition the generated abstract class can be futher customized when subclassing it.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 7")
@VALJOConfigure(clazzModifiers= {"ABSTRACT"}, baseClazzName="com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.BaseClass")
public interface ExtendingByInheritance
        public String getGeneratedProperty();

See also: BaseClass.java

Generated output: (ExtendingByInheritance.java, BaseClass.java) => ExtendingByInheritanceImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.ExtendingByInheritance")
abstract class ExtendingByInheritanceImpl extends BaseClass implements ExtendingByInheritance
  protected final String generatedProperty;

  public ExtendingByInheritanceImpl(final int baseValue, final String generatedProperty)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getGeneratedProperty()
   return generatedProperty;
  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    int _result = Objects.hash(generatedProperty);
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    ExtendingByInheritanceImpl _other = (ExtendingByInheritanceImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(generatedProperty, _other.generatedProperty));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("ExtendingByInheritanceImpl [");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: ComparableName.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows how to make generated class implement comparable in a specific way. As we can't refer directly to the generated class directly from our interface
* we need to specify the implmentation with it's generic reference as an extra interface that the generated class should implement (in addition to this
* main interface). Extra interfaces are resolved only when the implementation is generated. Notice the use of the <code>This</code> macro so we do not have to
* hardcode the implementation class name. Notice also how a certain ordering for the compareTo implementation is specified (instead of the default
* which is in order of declaration of the properties in the interface).
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 8")
@VALJOConfigure(extraInterfaceNames={ "java.lang.Comparable<$(This)>" }, comparableMembers= {"lastName", "firstName" })
public interface ComparableName
        public String getFirstName();
        public String getLastName();

Generated output: ComparableName.java => ComparableNameImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.ComparableName")
public final class ComparableNameImpl implements ComparableName, Comparable<ComparableNameImpl>
  private final String firstName;
  private final String lastName;

  public static ComparableNameImpl valueOf(final String firstName, final String lastName)
    ComparableNameImpl _instance = new ComparableNameImpl(firstName, lastName);
    return _instance;

  private ComparableNameImpl(final String firstName, final String lastName)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getFirstName()
   return firstName;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getLastName()
   return lastName;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int compareTo(final ComparableNameImpl arg0)
    int _result;

    if ((_result=lastName.compareTo(arg0.lastName))!=0)
     return _result;
    if ((_result=firstName.compareTo(arg0.firstName))!=0)
     return _result;

    return 0;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    int _result = Objects.hash(firstName, lastName);
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    ComparableNameImpl _other = (ComparableNameImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(firstName, _other.firstName) && Objects.equals(lastName, _other.lastName));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("ComparableNameImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: package-info.java

* Example of how to configure ValjoGen defaults for interfaces in a package.
* Note how a @VALJOConfigure annotation can be applied here as a default for all examples. The annotation
* will be overridden it its entirety if also applied on an interface of an example.
* @author mmc
@VALJOConfigure(headerFileName="Header.txt", comment="Example 9")
package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;

See also: Header.txt

Source example: JsonWithJackson.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.*;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.types.DataConversion;

* Example that shows how to generate a mutable or immutable class with Jackson annotations, so it can be easily converted to/from JSON.
* If using JDK8, consider using {@link DataConversion#JACKSON_DATABIND_ANNOTATIONS_WITH_JDK8_PARAMETER_NAMES} instead.
* @see <a href="https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-annotations">jackson-annotations</a>
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 10")
public interface JsonWithJackson
        public String getName();
        public int getAge();

Generated output: JsonWithJackson.java => JsonWithJacksonImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.JsonWithJackson")
public final class JsonWithJacksonImpl implements JsonWithJackson
  private final String name;
  private final int age;

  public static JsonWithJacksonImpl valueOf(@JsonProperty("name") final String name, @JsonProperty("age") final int age)
    JsonWithJacksonImpl _instance = new JsonWithJacksonImpl(name, age);
    return _instance;

  private JsonWithJacksonImpl(final String name, final int age)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getName()
   return name;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int getAge()
   return age;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public int hashCode()
    final int _prime = 31;
    int _result = 1;
    _result = _prime * _result + Objects.hashCode(name); 
    _result = _prime * _result + Integer.hashCode(age); 
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    JsonWithJacksonImpl _other = (JsonWithJacksonImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(name, _other.name) && (age == _other.age));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("JsonWithJacksonImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: CustomHashCode.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows how to apply a custom template to change the generated code for known methods. In this case to support caching of hashCode.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 12")
public interface CustomHashCode
        public String getFirstName();
        public String getLastName();

See also: custom_hashCode.stg

Generated output: (CustomHashCode.java, custom_hashCode.stg) => CustomHashCodeImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.CustomHashCode")
public final class CustomHashCodeImpl implements CustomHashCode
  private volatile transient int cachedHashCode = 0;
  private final String firstName;
  private final String lastName;

  public static CustomHashCodeImpl valueOf(final String firstName, final String lastName)
    CustomHashCodeImpl _instance = new CustomHashCodeImpl(firstName, lastName);
    return _instance;

  private CustomHashCodeImpl(final String firstName, final String lastName)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getFirstName()
   return firstName;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getLastName()
   return lastName;

  * Returns a hash code value for the object or cached value if already called.
  public int hashCode()
    if (cachedHashCode!=0)
     return cachedHashCode;

    int _result = Objects.hash(firstName, lastName);
    return (cachedHashCode=_result);

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    CustomHashCodeImpl _other = (CustomHashCodeImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(firstName, _other.firstName) && Objects.equals(lastName, _other.lastName));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("CustomHashCodeImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: CustomLogginngWithRegions.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows how to apply a simple custom template to provide constructor logging by overriding existing regions.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 20")
@VALJOConfigure(customJavaTemplateFileName="custom_logging.stg", synchronizedAccessEnabled=true)
public interface CustomLogginngWithRegions
        public String getName();
        public void setName(String name);

See also: custom_logging.stg

Generated output: (CustomLogginngWithRegions.java, custom_logging.stg) => CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.CustomLogginngWithRegions")
public final class CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl implements CustomLogginngWithRegions
  private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl.class.getName());
  private String name;

  public static CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl valueOf(final String name)
    CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl _instance = new CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl(name);
    return _instance;

  public static CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl valueOf()
    CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl _instance = new CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl();
    return _instance;

  private CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl(final String name)
    LOGGER.fine(() -> "Constructing CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl");

  private CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl()
    LOGGER.fine(() -> "Constructing CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl");

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized String getName()
   return name;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized void setName(final String name)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized int hashCode()
    int _result = Objects.hash(name);
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl _other = (CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(name, _other.name));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("CustomLogginngWithRegionsImpl [");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: SimpleCustomMethod.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows how to apply a basic custom template implementing a simple custom method. A custom method that can tell when a property was last changed.
* Example also shows how to make the generated mutable class thread safe.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 21")
@VALJOConfigure(customJavaTemplateFileName="simple_custom_method.stg", synchronizedAccessEnabled=true)
public interface SimpleCustomMethod
        public String getName();
        public void setName(String name);

        // Custom method here:
        public long nanoLastUpdated();

See also: simple_custom_method.stg

Generated output: (SimpleCustomMethod.java, simple_custom_method.stg) => SimpleCustomMethodImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.SimpleCustomMethod")
public final class SimpleCustomMethodImpl implements SimpleCustomMethod
  private long changeNanoTime;
  private String name;

  public static SimpleCustomMethodImpl valueOf(final String name)
    SimpleCustomMethodImpl _instance = new SimpleCustomMethodImpl(name);
    return _instance;

  public static SimpleCustomMethodImpl valueOf()
    SimpleCustomMethodImpl _instance = new SimpleCustomMethodImpl();
    return _instance;

  private SimpleCustomMethodImpl(final String name)

  private SimpleCustomMethodImpl()

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized String getName()
   return name;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized void setName(final String name)

  * Returnes the last time this class was updated.
  public synchronized long nanoLastUpdated()
    return changeNanoTime;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized int hashCode()
    int _result = Objects.hash(name);
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    SimpleCustomMethodImpl _other = (SimpleCustomMethodImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(name, _other.name));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("SimpleCustomMethodImpl [");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: AdvancedCustomDigestMethod.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.List;

import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOConfigure;
import com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.annotations.VALJOGenerate;

* Example that shows a non-trivial custom template implementing an advanced custom method that calculate a digest of object state.
* The generated class is set to inherit from a base class that provide both contract and helper methods.
* The example also shows how to make the generated mutable class thread safe.
@VALJOGenerate(comment="Example 23")
@VALJOConfigure(customJavaTemplateFileName="advanced_custom_method.stg", baseClazzName="DigestBaseClass", synchronizedAccessEnabled=true)
public interface AdvancedCustomDigestMethod
        public String getName();
        public void setName(String name);

        public int getAge();
        public void setAge(int age);

        public String[] getAddress();
        public void setAddress(String[] address);

        public List<String> getAltAddress();
        public void setAltAddress(List<String> altAddress);

        public boolean isVerified();
        public void setVerified(boolean verified);

        // Custom method calculateDigest declared in base class.

See also: DigestBaseClass.java, advanced_custom_method.stg

Generated output: (AdvancedCustomDigestMethod.java, DigestBaseClass.java, advanced_custom_method.stg) => AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl.java :

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import java.security.MessageDigest;

@Generated(value = "com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen", date="2014-11-22T10:46Z", comments="Generated by ValjoGen code generator (ValjoGen.41concepts.com) from com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples.AdvancedCustomDigestMethod")
public final class AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl extends DigestBaseClass implements AdvancedCustomDigestMethod
  private String name;
  private int age;
  private String[] address;
  private java.util.List<String> altAddress;
  private boolean verified;

  public static AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl valueOf(final String name, final int age, final String[] address, final java.util.List<String> altAddress, final boolean verified)
    AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl _instance = new AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl(name, age, address, altAddress, verified);
    return _instance;

  public static AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl valueOf()
    AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl _instance = new AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl();
    return _instance;

  private AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl(final String name, final int age, final String[] address, final java.util.List<String> altAddress, final boolean verified)

  private AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl()

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized String getName()
   return name;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized void setName(final String name)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized int getAge()
   return age;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized void setAge(final int age)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized String[] getAddress()
   return address;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized void setAddress(final String[] address)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized java.util.List<String> getAltAddress()
   return altAddress;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized void setAltAddress(final java.util.List<String> altAddress)

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized boolean isVerified()
   return verified;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized void setVerified(final boolean verified)

  * Returnes the message digest of the members in the class.
  public synchronized byte[] calculateDigest(final String algorithm) throws java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
    MessageDigest digester = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);

    for (int i=0; i<address.length; ++i)
    for (String i : altAddress)

    return digester.digest();

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized int hashCode()
    final int _prime = 31;
    int _result = 1;
    _result = _prime * _result + Objects.hashCode(name); 
    _result = _prime * _result + Integer.hashCode(age); 
    _result = _prime * _result + Arrays.hashCode(address); 
    _result = _prime * _result + Objects.hashCode(altAddress); 
    _result = _prime * _result + Boolean.hashCode(verified); 
    return _result;

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized boolean equals(final Object arg0)
    if (this == arg0)
      return true;

    if (arg0 == null)
      return false;

    if (getClass() != arg0.getClass())
      return false;

    AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl _other = (AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl) arg0;

    return (Objects.equals(name, _other.name) && (age == _other.age) && Arrays.equals(address, _other.address) && Objects.equals(altAddress, _other.altAddress) && (verified == _other.verified));

  * {@inheritDoc}
  public synchronized String toString()
    final StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
    _sb.append("AdvancedCustomDigestMethodImpl [");
    _sb.append(", ");
    _sb.append(", ");
    _sb.append(", ");
    _sb.append(", ");
    return _sb.toString();

Source example: BaseClass.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

* Example of a preexisting base class that generated code can extend from.
* Used by the "ExtendingByInheritance.java" example.
* Note that constructors of the generated class will delegate to available
* constructors in the base class. Also keep it mind that if you need
* serialization base classes must be serializable for any generated
* subclasses like ours (without a default constructor) to be serializable.
public class BaseClass
        protected final int baseValue;

        public BaseClass(int baseValue)

See also: ExtendingByInheritance.java

Source example: DigestBaseClass.java

package com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.examples;

* Example of a preexisting abstract base class that a generated class can extend from.
* In this case the bease class both specifies an abstract method that the
* generated class must implement (using custom templates) as well as
* helper methods useful for calculating digests. Helper methods using overloading
* like here can makes custom templates much simpler to write.
* Used by the "AdvancedCustomDigestMethod.java" example and its assoicated template "advanced_custom_method.stg".
* Note that the current set of getBytes methods only handle a subset of types such as bytes, integers
* and strings (arrays and collections of thoses are handled by the custom template). For a real implementation,
* one should overload with additional getBytes methods.
public abstract class DigestBaseClass
    // Will be implemented by a custom template specified in the interface for the example.
        public abstract byte[] calculateDigest(String algorithm) throws java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;

        protected static final byte getBytes(boolean v) {
                return v ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

        protected static final byte[] getBytes(int v) {
          return new byte[] {
                        (byte)((v >> 24) & 0xff),
                        (byte)((v >> 16) & 0xff),
                        (byte)((v >> 8) & 0xff),
                        (byte)((v >> 0) & 0xff),

        protected static final byte[] getBytes(String v) {
            return v.getBytes();

See also: AdvancedCustomDigestMethod.java, advanced_custom_method.stg

Custom template example: advanced_custom_method.stg

* This custom template shows how to implement a non-trivial custom method declared in the interface that iterate through all members of the class.
* The custom template for the new custom method must have a specific name of "method_"+specifier and the template must be configured by
* the VALJOConfigure annotation. See javadoc on VALJOConfigure#customJavaTemplateFileName for details about this. Also refer to
* javadocs in the com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.model packakge for template arguments clazz of type Clazz and method of type Method.
* The digest implementation iterates though all class members (fields) and calls update methods on a digester before returning the digest. Note,
* how the abstract base class in this example supplies helper methods to get byte arrays from member values.

@class.imports() ::= <<
<! Add our log class manually - could also have been done easier with VALJOConfigure's importClasses option !>
import java.security.MessageDigest;

method_calculateDigest_String(clazz, method) ::= <<
* Returnes the message digest of the members in the class.
<declare_method(clazz, method)>
  <! Construct a digest using first algorithm specified in first argument of method (we could hardcode this but in the example we use the model to tell us the name of the argument) !>
  MessageDigest digester = MessageDigest.getInstance(<first(method.parameters).name>);

  <! Iterate through all members of the class and call one of the template methods below depending on the overall type of the member !>
  <clazz.members:{m | <(toByteTemplateNamesByTypeCategory.(m.type.typeCategory))(m.name, m.type)> }; wrap, anchor, separator="\n">

  return digester.digest();

/* A static ST map that works as a switch so types can be handled by different templates depending on category */
toByteTemplateNamesByTypeCategory ::= [ "PRIMITIVE": "toByte_primitive", "ARRAY": "toByte_array", default: "toByte_object"]

/* Primitive members are handled here. Note how bytes are easier dealth with then other primitives */
toByte_primitive(var, type) ::= <%

/* Arrays are handled here. Note how primitive arrays of bytes are easier dealth with then other arrays */
toByte_array(var, type) ::= <<
for (int i=0; i\<<var>.length; ++i)

/* Handle iterables but refer all other types to our base class in this implementation. */
toByte_object(var, type) ::= <<
for (<first(type.genericTypeArguments).name> i : <var>)

See also: AdvancedCustomDigestMethod.java, DigestBaseClass.java

Custom template example: custom_hashCode.stg

* This custom template shows how to add caching to the generated hashCode method. It overrides StringTemplate regions to
* add a new instance member to hold the cached value, add a check in start of the hashCode method and store
* the returned value of hashCode to the assoicated instance member. Finally it adds a javadoc comment on top
* of the hashCode method. Refer to the *.stg files in the source for how to find the refered regions.
* Note that regions must be qualified with the name of the template they are declared in and how <@super.returnvalue()>
* can be used to refer to the region's orginal content.

@class.before_instance_members() ::= <<
private volatile transient int cachedHashCode = 0;

@method_hashCode.preamble() ::= <<
if (cachedHashCode!=0)
 return cachedHashCode;


@method_hashCode.returnvalue() ::= <%
 <! Captures return value before return statement. Could also have overriden method_hashCode.postamble instead !>

@method_hashCode.javadoc() ::= <<
* Returns a hash code value for the object or cached value if already called.


See also: CustomHashCode.java

Custom template example: custom_logging.stg

* This custom template shows how to add logging of created instances to a generated class. It overrides StringTemplate regions to
* add an import, add a static logger instance and add a log message at the end of the constructor. Refer to the *.stg files
* in the source for how to find the refered regions.
* Note that regions must be qualified with the name of the template they are declared in, that they can refer to the
* stringtemplate arguments of the template they are called from and how <@super.imports()> are used to refer to the
* region's orginal content.
* NOTE 1: The import could also have been done easier with VALJOConfigure's importClasses option - this is just an alternative.

@class.imports() ::= <<
<! Add our log class manually - Note 1 !>
import java.util.logging.Logger;

@class.before_class_members() ::= <<
private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(<clazz.name>.class.getName());

@method_this.preamble() ::= <<
LOGGER.fine(() -> "Constructing <clazz.name>");

See also: CustomLogginngWithRegions.java

Custom template example: simple_custom_method.stg

* This custom template shows how to implement a custom method declared in the interface. First it overrides StringTemplate regions to
* add a variable holding a time then it modifies the constructor and setter to update the time of change. Finally, a new method
* is added to return the time as declared in the interface.
* The custom template for the method must have a specific name of "method_"+specifier and the template must be configured by
* the VALJOConfigure annotation. See javadoc on VALJOConfigure#customJavaTemplateFileName for details about this. Also refer to
* javadocs in the com.fortyoneconcepts.valjogen.model packakge for template arguments clazz of type Clazz and method of type Method.
* Refer to the *.stg files in the source for how to find the refered regions and for descriptions of the used sub-template
* declare_method that can help with generating the correct declaration.

@class.before_instance_members() ::= <<
private long changeNanoTime;

@mutable_setter.preamble() ::= <%

@method_this.postamble() ::= <%

method_nanoLastUpdated(clazz, method) ::= <<
* Returnes the last time this class was updated.
<declare_method(clazz, method)>
  return changeNanoTime;

See also: SimpleCustomMethod.java

Custom header example: Header.txt

/* This is a sample header for VALJOGen examples provided by the file "Header.txt" and configured by "package-info.java" */

See also: package-info.java